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Seasonal Planting Guides
Border Hedges: Creating Borders With Boxwoods
Reblooming Lilacs: 3 Seasons Of Blooming Beauty
High Fragrance Camellia Options
Evergreen Azaleas That Bring Year-Round Beauty
Knock Out Roses for Sale | The Colorful Collection
Knock out roses are a popular series of rose shrubs that bloom and rebloom in spring, summer, and fall. The flowers are smaller than old fashioned and traditional roses, but you get way more pretty rose blooms and for much...
Distylium Varieties | The Options
Distyliums are an exciting, new group of broadleaf evergreens for the southern garden and beyond. They are pest and disease resistant and low maintenance. These unique shrubs tolerate heat, drought, and even wet soil. Adaptable, versatile, and tough, distyliums are...
How to Care for Viburnum
Have you recently acquired a Viburnum or are you just interested in these flowering plants? Viburnums are a large group of blooming shrubs. The flower clusters are often white, but some are pink. Some viburnums are evergreen and some are...