Hostas Shipping Restriction_AZ, Category_Groundcovers - PlantingTree

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Hostas are beautiful perennial plants that add great color, texture, and a unique look to shady spots. These shade loving plants are also known as plantain lilies. With large colorful leaves reminiscent of house plants, Hostas are extraordinary in the home landscape. You can find variegated varieties and small hostas and large hostas to choose from; there are even sun tolerant Hostas. Hardy and adaptable, these herbaceous flowering plants return year after year.

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Drought Tolerance

Fall Color

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    Sum and Substance Hostas
    12 reviews
    Stained Glass Hosta
    how to plant hostas

    How to Plant Hostas

    Water your plant thoroughly in its pot prior to planting. Next, dig a hole 2 times as wide and not quite as deep as the root ball is tall. Place your Hosta evenly in the hole. The top of the root ball should be slightly higher than the existing soil line. Backfill with the native soil that you removed. If your soil is poor, you can amend it up to 50% with our organic planting mix. Water deeply until the water begins to pool on the surface of the ground. Water daily for the first week, 3 times per week the 2nd and 3rd week, and 1 to 2 times weekly thereafter for the first 2 to 3 months until your plant is established.

    How to Care for Hostas

    Growing Hostas is extremely easy once they are established. Plant Hostas in growing zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 for best results. Most of these perennial plants thrive in full shade, part shade, and part sun, but some are full sun tolerant. Hosta plants are adaptable to most soils and pH levels. Water your newly planted Hosta deeply a couple times per week to encourage the roots to grow properly. Once the roots are established these perennials are drought tolerant, however, they perform best with a moist soil. Fertilize with our balanced slow release fertilizer in spring for best growth.

    how to divide hostas

    How to Divide Hostas

    The easiest technique to divide a Hosta is to simply take your shovel and chop the plant in sections. You can dig up the whole plant and then separate it into sections or just take chunks off the plant while it is still in the ground. Just be sure to have as much of the root system as possible in each transplanted piece and water well. Division is stressful to plants so do it sparingly and only on mature plants. Avoid dividing Hostas more than every 3 or 4 years.

    When to Divide Hostas

    Splitting Hostas should be done when the weather is cool and the ground is moist in spring or fall. The best time in spring is when your plant is starting to come out of dormancy. September is usually best for separating Hostas in cooler northern climates, while October is better for the warmer southern US.

    When to Cut Back Hostas

    Dead leaves can be cut back to the ground any time after your plant goes dormant for a clean look. This is anytime from late fall to early spring before your plant emerges from dormancy in spring. You can also leave them alone to add nutrients to the soil as the dead leave break down naturally. Fresh new growth will come from the root system whether you prune back the leaves or not.!

    When to Transplant Hostas

    Early fall is the absolute best time to transplant Hostas, but the timing can be fairly flexible if you supplement with plenty of water during drier periods. Fall or spring during the rainy season will reduce your workload to the greatest extent.

    How to Transplant Hostas

    Water the ground well several hours before digging up your plant. You want the ground to be moist and easily diggable, but not wet and messy. Choose a sharp shovel to dig out your Hosta and as much of the roots as possible. The more roots you can save the happier your plant will be in its new home. For large plants use a tarp to place your dug up plant on to make it easier to move it from one location to the other. Replant as quickly as possible. Water as you would if you were planting a new plant.

    Featured Hosta Varieties

    big daddy hosta

    Big Daddy Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-8
    Mature Size: 2 to 3 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide

    Few plants perform in shade like the beautiful Hosta Big Daddy. You'll get lovely blue-green color and richly textured leaves in an easy to grow perennial. The Big Daddy is a favorite blue Hosta for its shade tolerance, great look, and high slug resistance.

    blue angel hosta

    Blue Angel Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-8
    Mature Size: 2 to 3 feet tall and up to 4 feet wide

    This low maintenance perennial is full shade tolerant, adding beauty to the darkest corners of your yard. This Hosta has large blue green leaves and white bell shaped blooms.

    earth angel hosta

    Earth Angel Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-9
    Mature Size: 1 to 2 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide

    The large variegated leaves of the Earth Angel Hosta look painted by an artist. The center of the leaves are blue-green that reaches out into the creamy white to yellow margins. This giant hosta variety has pale purple flowers in summer.

    great expectations hosta

    Great Expectations Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-8
    Mature Size: 2 to 3 feet tall and wide

    The leaves of this hosta are almost an inside out version of the Earth Angel leaves with yellow centers that meet with blue green margins. This gorgeous plant has pretty white flowers in summer.

    patriot hosta

    Patriot Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-8
    Mature Size: 1 to 2 feet tall and wide

    White edges highlight the deep green centers of the leaves of this small hosta. Summer brings lavender flowers to heighten the appeal of this plant. This dwarf hosta adds dramatic appeal to the garden.

    sum and substance hosta

    Sum and Substance Hosta

    Growing Zones 3-8
    Mature Size: 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide

    This sun loving Hosta is adds a vibrant pop of color to your yard. Fast growing, you will love how quickly this vibrant large hosta fills in your landscape year after year.

    Check out our blog on Growing a Full Shade Garden and browse our selection of Heuchera Coral Bells for more shade tolerant landscape options.