Dwarf Fruit Trees Mature Width_6-10 Feet, Shipping Restriction_WA, Bloom Season_spring - PlantingTree

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Dwarf Fruit Trees

What are Dwarf Fruit Trees

All of the Fruit Trees in this collection grow to 15 feet tall or less. Dwarf Fruit trees are excellent choices for small yards or gardens and many grow well in containers and even indoors. If you are looking for a fruit tree, but your space is limited, a dwarf fruit tree may be just what you are looking for. 

When to Plant Dwarf Fruit Trees

Plant Dwarf Fruit Trees in spring and fall for best results in most areas. However if you have mild summers or winters planting at those times is fine for most trees as well. Be sure to provide plenty of water when planting in summer and add a nice thick layer of mulch when winter planting.

Can You Grow Dwarf Fruit Trees in Pots?

Small fruit trees are perfect for containers. We recommend growing Figs, Meyer Lemons, Key Limes, and Arabica Coffee in pots. Make sure your container drains well. Water your plants when they start to dry out. Dwarf fruit plants grown in pots need fertilized more often than those planted in the ground. Some fruit trees can be grown indoors year-round, but you are likely to get the best yield from plants that are grown outside and then moved indoors or to a protected spot during winter. Most fruit trees stay smaller in containers versus planting them in the ground. Read more on Growing Fig Trees in Containers and Citrus Trees in Pots

Can Dwarf Fruit Trees be Grown Indoors?

Dwarf fruit trees like Meyer Lemon, Key Lime, Fig, and Coffee plants are great for growing indoors if you have a bright enough spot. Dwarf Citrus Trees love humidity so mist them daily or use a humidifier. Proper care is crucial for getting fruit trees to produce fruit indoors so be sure to do your research before choosing the dwarf fruit tree for you. 

How to Plant Dwarf Fruit Trees

Start by digging a hole about twice the width of the root ball and not quite as deep. Place your Dwarf Fruit Tree evenly in the hole. The top of the root ball should be slightly higher than the existing soil line. Backfill with the soil you remove.. Water deeply until the ground is fully saturated. Apply 1 to 2 inches of mulch in a mound around your plant to reduce watering needs and competing weeds.

Dwarf Apple trees

5-In-1 Apple Tree

Growing Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Mature Size: 10 to 15 feet and 10 feet wide

Our 5-in-1 Apple tree is a real treat! You can’t beat 5 different types of apples on one tree! This tree is small in stature and self pollinating so you’ll only need one tree and not a lot of space for plenty of fruit! Oh, and one more thing...our 5-in-1 Apple tree fruits in the very first year! It all sounds too good to be true, but our 5-in-1 apple tree is very real and very awesome!


Fuji Apple Tree

Malus domestica 'Fuji'

Growing Zones 6, 7, 8

Mature Size: 10 to 15 feet tall and wide

The Fuji Apple is crisp and sweet. This dwarf apple tree requires minimal chill hours and can even produce fruit in the Southern US. The versatile Fuji fruit is great for fresh eating, baking, cooking, and has a long storage life.


Red Delicious Apple Tree

Malus 'Red Delicious’'

Growing Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Mature Size: 10 to 15 feet tall and wide

The Red Delicious is not just America’s favorite apple, it is the most widely grown apple tree in the world. The sweet and tender flesh of this deep red apple is adored by children and adults alike. They are great for juicing, cider, baking, and cooking. This mild, sweet apple is a healthy and tasty snack. 

Dwarf Citrus Trees

Key Lime 

Citrus aurantifolia

Growing Zones 9, 10 or Indoor

Mature Size: 8 to 10 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide, smaller in containers

This dwarf tropical fruit tree is easy to grow in pots. The Key Lime Tree can easily be pruned heavily to keep it very small and still produce plenty of key limes. The small limes are tart and sweet and excellent for making pies.


Meyer Lemon 

Citrus x meyeri

Growing Zones 8, 9, 10 or Indoor

Mature Size: 6 to 8 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide

This dwarf lemon tree performs well in containers and can even be grown indoors! The fruit is delicious and sweeter than standard lemons. Meyer Lemon Trees produce fruit in the very first year.


Variegated Meyer Lemon 

Citrus limon 'Variegated Meyer'

Growing Zones 8, 9, 10 or Indoor

Mature Size: Up to 10 feet tall in ground, 6 feet tall in containers.

This Meyer Lemon plant has exciting variegation on the fruit and the leaves. This variegated citrus tree is stunning, unique, and has flavorful fruit.

Dwarf Fig Trees

Celeste Fig

Ficus carica 'Celestial'

Growing Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 or Indoor

Mature Size: 5 to 10 feet tall and wide

Celeste Fig trees are perfect for pots and small spaces. This dwarf fruit tree is very tolerant of heat and pest and disease resistant. This fig has sugary-sweet taste. 


Little Miss Figgy Fig Tree

Ficus carica 'Miss Figgy'

Growing Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 or Indoor

Mature Size: 4 to 6 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide

This dwarf tropical fruit tree is the smallest fig variety out there. It is ideal for growing in pots. You won’t even need to prune this fig plant to keep it small. The Little Miss Figgy fig tree is a heavy fruit producer and is pest and disease resistant.

Other Dwarf Fruit Trees

Arabica Coffee Plant 

Growing Zones 9, 10 or Indoor

Did you know that you can grow your very own coffee indoors?! You can with the Arabica Coffee Plant. This small tree is an attractive and easy to grow houseplant that purifies the air in your home. Its pretty flowers have a fragrance similar to jasmine.


Scroll up to see all of our in stock Dwarf Fruit Trees for sale in our online plant nursery. Check out our Fig Trees, Citrus Trees, and Fruit Trees for sale for even more options!

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