Deer definitely have their favorite plants to snack on. Hostas, roses, daylilies, indian hawthorn, pittosporum, and pansies are some of their favorites. But hungry deer will feed on just about any plant, especially the flowers, buds, and young, tender growth. It can be quite frustrating when you get so-called deer resistant plants just to have them devoured. So, what ARE the best deer resistant plants?
We’ve collected our list of the best deer resistant plants using experience as well as reliable sources like the Rutger’s Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistant search. The plants with the highest deer resistance ratings are Holly, Barberry, Blue Fescue, Boxwood, Butterfly Bush (Buddleia), Catmint, Daphne, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Ferns, Japanese Pieris, Japanese Plum Yew, Juniper, Lavender, Lyme Grass, Nandina, Pampas Grass, Rosemary, Switchgrass, and Viburnum. Here are some of our favorite deer resistant plants.