Spring Bouquet Viburnum
Spring Bouquet Viburnum
The Spring Bouquet Viburnum has Year-round Appeal!
- Lovely star shaped, pink flowers fade to white
- Butterflies dance around the fragrant blooms
- Get out your binoculars and watch birds flock to the lavender-blue berries
- This evergreen shrub won't leave your landscape barren in winter

Product Details

Soil Type | Adaptable, Well Drained |
Sunlight | Full, Partial |
Drought Tolerance | Good |
Mature Height | 5-6 Feet |
Mature Width | 3-4 Feet |
Growth Rate | moderate |
Bloom Color | Pink |
Shipping Restriction | AZ |
You are going to love our latest addition, the Spring Bouquet Viburnum! A lovely shrub with perennial feel, but year-round appeal!
In late winter and spring, clusters of dainty, star-shaped, pink flowers emerge from pretty pink buds. As the blooms open wide and age they fade to white providing a beautiful, little show of their very own. But this is only the beginning of what the
Spring Bouquet Viburnum has to offer! When blooming comes to a close, stunning and unique lavender to blue berries arrive. Be ready with your binoculars in summer as the birds begin to feast on these coveted berries! Are you sick of a boring, ugly landscape in winter?
No worries with the Spring Bouquet Viburnum! This evergreen shrub won't leave your landscape barren in winter! The rich, dark green foliage sticks around all year, never leaving you empty-landscaped!
This tough, little viburnum is pest and disease resistant and, yes, even deer tolerant. There is no need for pruning unless you want to maintain a certain size or shape. The Spring Bouquet Viburnum is super easy to maintain. It is drought tolerant once established, enjoys full sun to part shade, and is adaptable to just about any soil.
This plant is treasure trove of activity throughout the year, adding life to your yard! The honey-scented blooms attract butterflies in spring while the colorful berries provide nourishment for birds and wildlife in summer and fall. In winter, small birds may make the Spring Bouquet Viburnum their home, getting a nest ready to grow their family come spring.
You're thinking, 'wow so what is wrong with this awesome plant?!" Well 1 thing, it only grows in warmer zones 7-9, but with its reasonable size of 4-6 feet tall and wide you can definitely grow this plant in containers. So, cooler zones can enjoy this plant too by simply moving it to a warmer spot in winter. Remember to fertilize and water your container plants more often for best results.
Whether you grow it in the ground or a container you are sure to love all the Spring Bouquet Viburnum has to offer! Get yours today and don't miss a minute!
Learn when to prune your flowering shrubs.
For additional options, be sure to browse our Viburnum and Flowering Shrubs collection.