Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree
Product Details

Soil Type | Adaptable |
Sunlight | Full |
Drought Tolerance | Semi |
Mature Height | 55-75 Feet |
Mature Width | 20-30 Feet |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Fall Color | Green |
Bloom Color | White |
Shipping Restriction | AZ, OR |
Planting a Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree is like hanging a 100-foot-tall painting right in the middle of your landscaping!
The Rainbow Eucalyptus grows tall and spectacularly colorful when planted in the right conditions. Climates such as those found in the tropical rainforests of Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Philippines make this marvel of nature feel right at home.
In the right conditions and when planted with ample space, you can enjoy a tree that grows over 100 feet! Note that this tree will have sprawling roots, so it’s important to plant these trees in wide-open spaces, away from sidewalks, driveways or foundations. For this reason, rainbow eucalyptus trees are perfect for providing shade in otherwise sun-drenched fields and along nature paths.
And we saved the best feature of the rainbow eucalyptus for last – its stunningly attractive appearance! Vibrant colors are revealed in the trunk of these trees when the bark pulls away from its trunk at various times throughout the year. A palette of eye-catching colors appears on the tree’s trunk in streaks of rich red, orange, green, gray, and purple. Beyond this impressive display of Mother Nature’s artistic flair, the Rainbow Eucalyptus can also boast delicate clusters of white flowers in spring, depending on where it's planted.
A rainy, warm, wet climate is best for your Rainbow Eucalyptus. Be sure you plant your tree in a frost-free environment.
How fast do rainbow eucalyptus trees grow?
Generally, these trees grow 3 to 5 feet every year. The fastest rate of growth is during the first decade. While these trees can reach 200 feet or more in their natural habitat, they hover around 80 to 100 feet when planted elsewhere.
How long can rainbow eucalyptus trees live?
Depending on the conditions, your rainbow eucalyptus could live anywhere from 50 to150 years.
Can you keep a rainbow eucalyptus tree small?
Yes, with regular pruning, you can keep these trees small.
Your rainbow eucalyptus tree would love to be planted in direct sunlight and in soil that is fertile, moist, and well-drained.
To plant your rainbow eucalyptus, place it in a hole that is two times as deep and two times as wide as the pot in which you received it. Be sure that the top of the root bulb is level with the ground, and then backfill the hole using ⅓ native soil and ⅔ Peat Moss or Coco Coir. Whatever product you choose to use to backfill, be sure it holds a good amount of moisture.
Once your tree is secure in the hole, tamp the soil lightly and water it thoroughly.
Secure the tree to a bamboo or green pole, loose enough to allow some movement with the wind but tight enough to keep the tree stable. Once your rod is in place, build a berm about 6 inches tall and 12 inches in diameter around the trunk. This berm will help your tree maintain moisture as it grows.
You can add a 1 to 2-inch layer of mulch to the berm if you’d like, as long as you keep the mulch at least 2 inches away from the trunk.
There is no need to fertilize your rainbow eucalyptus.