Lemon Lime Nandina
Product Details

Soil Type | Adaptable |
Sunlight | Full, Partial |
Drought Tolerance | Good |
Mature Height | 3-4 Feet |
Mature Width | 3-4 Feet |
Growth Rate | moderate |
Bloom Color | Red |
Brand | Southern Living® |
Shipping Restriction | AZ |
Be sure to choose the right location and conditions for your Lemon Lime Nandina to thrive. Spring and fall are ideal times to plant. However, in warmer climates you are open to a majority of winter and cooler zones you can plant in early or late summer. Just take care to avoid extreme temperature. Nandinas grow in zone 6-10.
Plant in full to partial sun. Nadinas are adaptable to just about any soil. However, avoid wet soil to prevent disease and even death. Water deeply when planting and twice weekly for the first 3 months while your new plant is establishing. After establishing, nandinas are very drought tolerant and will only need watered during extremely hot/dry conditions. Three inches of mulch is a great option to prevent weeds, keep the soil cool and moist, and protect the roots during extreme temperatures. Fertilize in spring with a general purpose, slow release fertilizer. We have our own custom blend made to give your new plants the best start! Nandinas can tolerate heavy pruning, but don't require it. Prune any time of the year.
Lemon Lime Nadinas are pest and disease resistant.
Look for an area with filtered high to low light. Lemon Lime Dracaena can tolerate low light conditions but the accent colors will fade and they will grow slower. The good thing is they need less water.
Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Test the soil by pushing your finger about 1 inch below the surface. Water when it is dry to the touch. You are much more likely to over water a Dracaena that under water. These plants like a humid environment. So be sure to keep your houseplant away from drafts. If your home is very dry your plant may benefit from misting the leaves a couple times per week.
Keep your houseplant fertilized with our slow release fertilizer about twice per year. The fertilizer will feed the plant slowly over time and encourage growth.
Repot when you notice that the soil seems to be drying out every couple days or you see roots coming to the surface. These are indicators that your plant is becoming rootbound. Dracaena like to be somewhat rootbound though so don't give your plant too much room in a new pot.
If you want to control the size of your Dracaena or stagger your canes, simply prune it where you want new growth to start.
This plant can be grown outside as a patio plant but needs some protection from the sun. It will need to be treated as an annual or moved in before temperatures drop below about 50 degrees.
*Nandinas are highly toxic to pets.
For additional options, be sure to browse our Nandina collection.