Benjamina Ficus Tree
Product Details

Soil Type | Indoor Potting Mix |
Sunlight | Indirect |
Drought Tolerance | Good |
Mature Height | 8-10 Feet |
Mature Width | 3-4 Feet |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Shipping Restriction | AZ, OR |
The Benjamina Ficus tree is one of the most popular decorative indoor plants. It's easy to grow, with deep green, glossy leaves, and we've braided the trunk for an extra touch of class and beauty.
The Benjamina Ficus tree has adapted survival traits that allow it to thrive in the most varied settings of our homes, apartments, and offices. Ficus Benjamina is very effective at purifying the air in your home. According to NASA's Clean Air Study, this plant can depurate the air from formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. WOW!
Once settled in, the ficus tree is easy to care for. However, it does not like to be disturbed often, so avoid moving it too often. The Benjamina Ficus likes to be in a sunlit room but cannot be exposed to direct light.
When potting or repotting this ficus tree, be sure to elimate all air bubbles from the rootball. The easiest way to do this is to remove the tree from its container and dunk the entire root system in a bucket of water. Submerge the roots completely, shake the tree a little and twist back and forth to ensure ALL air bubbles have come out. Now proceed with planting/potting, making sure to tamp down the soil as you back fill to ensure no air pockets form.
Watering is only needed when the soil is dry. Do not overwater and use room temperature water for best results.
Ficus trees are fast growers and need a lot of nutrients. It's best to feed them once a month in the spring and summer and every two months in the fall and winter seasons. Choose a water soluble 10-10-10 forumla.
Ficus trees can be pruned when it has grown too tall or invaded your living room. Prune once a year. Light pruning will help the foliage grow more dense and beautiful.