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Vines are climbing plants that grow over, up, and down walls, trellises, fences, mailboxes and more. They can cover up old fences and brighten up homes. We have a large selection of vines so you are sure to find one to fit your landscape needs. We also carry fruiting grape vines.

More Information
White Climbing Hydrangea Vine
85 reviews
Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine
15 reviews
Star Jasmine
12 reviews
Carolina Yellow Jessamine
18 reviews
Red Mandevilla Vine
28 reviews
Pink Mandevilla Vine
11 reviews
Wisteria Vine
4 reviews
White Mandevilla Vine
4 reviews
Pink Mink Clematis
3 reviews
when to plant vines

When to Plant Vines

Spring or fall are good times of the year to plant vines. Summer planting is fine in areas with mild summers or when you are planting shade tolerant vines in shade. You should still compensate with plenty of water to help your plant establish and handle the heat. Gardeners in subtropical climates like California and Florida can plant in winter, but should avoid planting in summer. Cool region gardeners should plant at least 6 to 8 weeks prior to the ground freezing to give these plants some time to establish their roots before winter.

How to Plant Vines

Check the recommending growing zones and location requirements for your vine before buying it. Pick the best site for the vine you choose, considering the sunlight conditions and soil. Dig a hole about twice as wide as the root ball. Place your vine in the hole. The root ball should be slightly above your soil line. Avoid planting too deep as this can cause disease and even death. Backfill the soil and tamp it down with your hands to remove air pockets. Water deeply and thoroughly saturate the soil. Water deeply once per day for the first week.

when to prune grape vines

When to Prune Grape Vines

Prune grape vines in late winter or early spring when they are dormant for best results. Minor grape vine trimming can be done any time of the year.

How to Prune Grape Vines

Muscadine and Scuppernong grape vines can be trained to have one trunk and 2 “arm” branches. The first year after planting there will be a few shoots that are about 1 foot long. Select the most vigorous shoot and remove the others. Allow the top 2 buds to form the “arms” and trim off side shoots as they develop. Muscadine fruit grows on new growth so prune back your grape vines yearly, leaving a few inches for spur formation.

How to Care for Grape Vines

Grape vines are easy to maintain once they are established. Water newly planted grapes deeply 1-3 times per week (more the first couple weeks and slowly taper down) for the first few months to get them established. Grape vines are drought tolerant once the roots are established but a moist, well-drained soil (especially the first year) will offer the best growth and fruit. Feed grape plants with a slow release fertilizer in spring. Prune grapes when the vine is dormant to invigorate an older plant, keep the plant shaped, or the vine size controlled.

Where to Buy Grape Vines

Buy grape vines here. Our grape vines for sale online are high quality, healthy vines that are ready to plant. Plantingtree carries grape vines and ornamental vines for sale. We ship plants directly to your home from our North Carolina plant nursery.

Featured Vines

Amethyst Falls Wisteria

Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls'
Growing Zones 5-9
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade

Pretty vine with purple blue flowers.

Muscadine Grape Vine

Vitis Rotundifolia
Growing Zones 7-10
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun

A southern grape vine that is tough and easy to grow.

Scuppernong Grape Vine

Vitis Rotundifolia 'Scuppernong'
Growing Zones 7-10
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun

A healthy muscadine grape that produces a large crop with minimal maintenance.

Barbara Ann Climbing Hydrangea Vine

Decumaria barbara
Growing Zones 5-10
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade

A white blooming climbing vine that grows 30 to 40 feet at maturity.

Pink Hydrangea Vine

Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum'
Growing Zones 5-9
Sunlight: Part Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade

This pink lacecap blooming hydrangea vine can flower in shade!

White Climbing Hydrangea Vine

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris
Growing Zones 4-9
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade

A large hydrangea vine that grows up structures in sun or shade.

Blue Chinese Wisteria Vine

Wisteria sinensis
Growing Zones 5-9
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade

Easy to grow vine with fragrant blue flowers.

Pink Mandevilla

Mandevilla Dipladenia
Growing Zones 9-10 or Patio
Sunlight: Full Sun

A stunning tropical plant with loads of pink blooms.

White Mandevilla Vine

Mandevilla x 'Sunmandeho'
Growing Zones 9-10 or Patio
Sunlight: Full Sun

Pretty white blooming vine for the patio.

Carolina Yellow Jessamine

Gelsemium sempervirens
Growing Zones 7-10
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun

A fast growing yellow flowering vine that grows up to 20 feet tall and 6 to 10 feet wide.

Red Mandevilla

Mandevilla Apocynaceae
Growing Zones 9-10 or Patio
Sunlight: Full Sun

A gorgeous patio plant with tons of red blooms.

Browse our online plant nursery with Grape Vines and Ground Cover Plants for similar options. Read our blog on Climbing Plants with Flowers.