Rose Bushes Mature Height_1-2 Feet - PlantingTree

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Rose Bushes

From Drift® Roses to Knock Out® Roses to rose trees, PlantingTree has a rose perfect for your landscape.

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Peach Drift® Rose
22 reviews
Sweet Drift® Rose
16 reviews
Red Drift® Rose
12 reviews
Petite Knock Out® Rose
5 reviews
Apricot Drift® Rose
20 reviews
Coral Drift® Rose
15 reviews
Popcorn Drift® Rose
15 reviews
Pink Drift® Rose
5 reviews
what are knock out roses?

What are Knock Out Roses?

You really can’t go wrong with the immensely popular Knock Out® Rose. Your neighbors will covet your beautiful Rose Bushes that flower almost nonstop for 3 seasons! Because they are disease and pests resistant and don’t even require deadheading, Knock Out® Rose Bushes are much easier to care for than standard roses. These pretty plants are absolutely stunning in a mixed bed or border. Try a mass planting or a hedge for huge impact. We offer several Knock Out® Rose varieties and colors. For a unique and eye-catching addition to your landscape check out our Knockout® Rose trees. Learn about Knock Out Roses Care.

How to Care For Rose Bushes

For the best performance offer Rose Bushes a full sun location. Morning sun is especially important for rose plants because it dries the leaves which helps prevent fungal diseases. Rose Bushes should always be watered at the base or the plant and never over the leaves. Apply a balanced slow release fertilizer in early spring and again in late summer (if you have reblooming roses). Just one application in spring is fine for old fashioned Rose Bushes. To fertilize and control insects in one shot use Fertilome Rose and Flower Food.

what are drift roses?

What are Drift Roses?

A cross between a full-size groundcover rose and a miniature rose, the Drift® Rose is a fabulous addition to any yard, small or large. These hardy Rose Bushes are disease resistant, extremely cold tolerant and low maintenance. Drift® Roses bloom and rebloom from Spring until the first frost so you will have beautiful color for 3 seasons! Great for filling empty spaces, colorful containers, beautiful borders, and adding bursts of color throughout your landscape, this rose is extremely versatile in the landscape. We carry several different colors so be sure to check out our entire selection of Drift® Rose Bushes! Check out our Drift Rose Care blog for more information.

Can You Grow Rose Bushes in Pots?

Yes, you can definitely grow roses in pots. Choose a container with good drainage. Water your plant at the base when the soil begins to feel dry. Keep in mind roses in containers will dry out faster than plants in the ground. Feed potted Rose Bushes at least twice a year with a slow release fertilizer. Containerized rose plants are not as cold hardy as ones planted in the ground so plan for winter accordingly. In growing zones 4 and 5 move your plants into an unheated garage or shed for protection. Placing them in a sunny spot against your home helps protect them in winter as well. Read more about Growing Roses in Pots.

when to plant rose bushes

How to Plant Rose Bushes

Dig a hole about twice as wide as the pot. You want the root ball of your Rose Bushes to be slightly higher than the soil line. Fill the soil back in, and water thoroughly. Water deeply 2 to 3 times per week for the first 2 to 3 months while the plant is establishing. Poor soil can be amended by up to 50% with a good organic planting mix. Adding a layer of mulch around Rose Bushes can reduce watering needs and protect the roots during severe temperatures.

When to Plant Rose Bushes

Rose Bushes can be planted just about anytime since they tend to be cold hardy. If you have a variety that isn’t particularly cold tolerant, avoid planting in late fall or winter. If you are in a tropical growing zone, planting in summer can be a challenge even with excess water. So waiting until temperatures drop a bit is your best bet.

when to prune rose bushes

How to Prune Rose Bushes

Rose Bush pruning will vary with the type of rose you have. Knock Out Roses and Drift Roses can tolerate heavy pruning back to 6 inches if your goal is to size control. We recommend pruning these rose varieties back at least halfway to invigorate the plant and encourage better blooming. Disinfect pruning tools before and after pruning Rose Bushes. Check out our blogs, Pruning Knock Out Roses and How to Prune Flowering Shrubs for more information.

When to Prune Rose Bushes

Most Rose Bushes should be pruned in late winter or early spring. The closer to dormancy break, the better, but really anytime they are dormant is fine. Old-fashioned or heirloom Rose varieties often bloom on old wood so these rose types should be pruned after flowering for best results. For more information pruning bushes that bloom, check out our blog post When to Prune Flowering Shrubs.

Rose Bushes By Flower Color

peach / purple rose bushes

Peach / Purple Rose Bushes