Ornamental Grasses Bloom Color_Pink, Grows in Zones_4 - PlantingTree

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Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are fantastic accent plants. They add height, depth, and contrasting texture.
Grasses are low maintenance and easy to grow.

More Information

Bloom Color

Bloom Season

Drought Tolerance

Fall Color

    Grows in Zones

    Growth Rate

    Mature Height

    Mature Width

    Shipping Restriction

    Soil Type


    What You Need To Know About Ornamental Grasses

    when should you plant ornamental grass?

    When Should You Plant Ornamental Grass?

    Spring and fall are the best time to plant and transplant ornamental grasses. However, In mild climates you can plant just about anytime of the year.

    when do you cut back ornamental grasses?

    When Do You Cut Back Ornamental Grasses?

    Most ornamental grasses are perennials that dieback in winter to reemerge in spring. If you are in a warmer region grasses like liriope or lilyturf are likely to be evergreen and may not need a trim. You can prune any ornamental grass back in winter or early spring to tidy it up and help prepare it for the spring flush.

    How Do You Prune Ornamental Grasses?

    Many grasses can easily be trimmed with basic scissors. For the larger varieties use loppers or pruning shears. Prune your ornamental grass back to 6 inches from the ground or less.

    how do you divide ornamental grass?

    How Do You Divide Ornamental Grass?

    The easiest technique to divide an ornamental grass is to simply take your shovel and chop the plant in sections. You can dig up the whole plant and then divide it into sections or just take chunks off the plant while it is still in the ground. Just be sure to have some roots in each transplanted piece and water well. The best times to divide can vary amongst the different types of grasses, but spring when they are actively growing is the universal option for dividing any ornamental grasses.

    Ornamental Grass By Size

    small ornamental grasses

    Small (Less Than 2 Feet)

    Borders and Containers

    medium ornamental grasses

    Medium 2 to 6 Feet

    Mixed Beds to Mass Plantings

    large ornamental grasses

    Large Over 6 Feet

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