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Low Maintenance Plants

Low maintenance plants are easy to grow and require minimal care. Most are drought resistant once established. These tough plants are often disease and pest resistant. Low Maintenance plants save you time, money, and hassle and still provide a beautiful landscape.

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Double Knock Out® Rose
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Baby Blue Spruce
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October Glory Maple
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Natchez Crape Myrtle
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Big Blue Liriope
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Blue Rug Juniper
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Firepower Nandina
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Red Maple Tree
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Soft Touch Holly
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What You Need To Know About Low Maintenance Plants

What are the Best Low Maintenance Plants?

There are so many easy to grow plants to choose from. We carry low maintenance flowering shrubs like azaleas, loropetalum, camellia, drift and knock out roses. For year-round landscape interest look to hollies, junipers, loropetalum, nandina, cryptomeria, arborvitae, spruce, evergreen magnolias, ligustrum, and wax myrtles. Ornamental grasses are an excellent low maintenance option to add texture to the home landscape. We have a wide variety of ornamental grasses for sale. All of our shade trees are low maintenance once they are established. We also carry many flowering trees that are low maintenance. Choose redbuds, magnolias, and crape myrtles for great color and easy care.

What are Some Low Maintenance Ground Cover Plants?

Liriope (lilyturf) plants are excellent plants for borders. The blue rug juniper and the blue pacific juniper are excellent low growing groundcover. Drift roses are beautiful flowering ground cover plants. Asiatic jasmine is a vine that makes a lovely low maintenance ground cover and grows well in shade.

What Indoor Plants are Low Maintenance?

Several indoor plants require minimal care. Yucca cane, kimberly queen fern, majesty palm, peace lily plant, red edged dracaena are all easy care houseplants. Just give them some natural light and water them when the soil dries.

How to Plant Low Maintenance Plants

First, make sure the low maintenance plant you choose grows well in your growing zone. Next, be sure your site is appropriated for the plant. Determine the sunlight and soil requirements.

Now you are ready to purchase your plant. Once you receive your plant, water it well and keep the soil moist until you are ready to plant. Water your potted plant thoroughly immediately before planting. Dig a hole at least twice as wide as the root ball of your low maintenance plant. Place your plant evenly in the hole. The top of the root ball should be slightly higher than the soil line. Backfill the soil and tamp it down gently to remove air pockets. Mulch your plant with 1 to 2 inches of mulch extended at least a few inches past the rootzone or drip zone, whichever is larger. Mulch helps the ground retain moisture and reduces weeds. Finally, water deeply until the ground is completely saturated.

blue pacific juniper

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pink muhly grass

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Best Low Maintenance Shade Trees

eastern redbud

Best Low Maintenance Flowering Trees

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Best Low Maintenance Evergreen Trees

For additional options, be sure to browse our online plant nursery.

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