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Lesco Lawn Products

We strongly believe that Lesco is the best brand of Lawn Care Products. Lesco offers products that are carefully formulated, rigorously tested, made in the USA, and trusted by professionals. We carry a wide selection of Lesco Lawn Products including grass seed, lawn fertilizer, crabgrass pre-emergent, weed and feed, herbicides, and moisture retention products.

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LESCO Moisture Manager
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What is the History of Lesco?

In 1962, Lakeshore Equipment and Supply Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio. Their mission was to be the best golf course turf care company. The original 5 employees were all golf course superintendents. Existing companies couldn’t match their knowledge or professionalism. After only 3 years they launched and distributed a quarterly newsletter that offered expert agronomic information throughout the United States. A short time later Lesco Lawn Products were born. These products were initially formulated and manufactured for the golf market. But Lesco grew into products for lawn care professionals and now consumers who want the best lawn care products out there. In 2007 John Deere Landscapes, now known as SiteOne Landscape Supply, acquired Lesco and carry on their strict tradition of professionalism in creating the best lawn care products available on the market today.

When to Use Lesco Lawn Products

When to Plant Lesco Grass Seed

Fall is best for planting cool-season grasses including Fine Fescues, like Shady Select Seed Mix, Tall Fescues, like All Pro Transition Seed Blend and Tall Fescue Select Seed Blend, and Sun and Shade Park Seed Mix which contains a blend of Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Fine Fescue. Daytime temperatures should be averaging between 60 and 85 degrees which translates roughly to soil temperatures between 50 to 75 degrees. Spring is the second best option for cool-season grasses. Warm-season grasses have the most successful germination rates in spring and early summer when daytime temperatures are averaging about 80 degrees.

Late summer into fall and spring are good times to overseed northern yards with cool-season grasses. Southern lawns should be overseeded in fall with a cool-season grass, like Double Eagle Select Perennial Ryegrass.

When to Apply Lesco Fertilizers With Herbicides

Crabgrass Pre-emergent with Fertilizer should be applied in spring when soil temperatures are 50 to 55 degrees for 5 days in a row. This is around when forsythias start to bloom, so this is a great signal to apply your pre-emergent. You can also use this soil temperature map to determine the ideal time.

Weed and Feed fertilizes your grass and eliminates weeds in one step. It should be used when weeds are actively growing in spring and early fall.

When to Apply Lesco Fertilizer

Lesco Starter Fertilizer is an excellent fertilizer to use when you seed or sod a new lawn and overseed or aerate an existing lawn, so generally in spring or fall.

Lesco Summer Fertilizer adds iron to green up cool season grasses and should be applied to your lawn in June or July for best results.

High Nitrogen Fertilizer, like Lesco 32-0-8 Turf Fertilizer, should be applied November to December for tall fescue lawns and May to June for warm season lawns.

When to Apply Lesco Herbicides

Lesco Prosecutor ProLong offers season-long control of tough weeds, grass, and brush and should be used when these plants are growing vigorously.

Lesco Three-Way Spot Weeder treats hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds that ruin the look of your lawn, like clover, chickweed, henbit, dandelion and over 100 other weeds. Use this product as soon as you notice weeds. Most weeds die with one application. Repeat in 3 weeks if necessary.

When to Apply Lesco Moisture Manager

Moisture Manager can be used at any time to minimize drought stress, reduce irrigation needs, and save on water. Reapply every 3 months for best results.