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Butterfly Bushes

Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac, Buddleja or Buddleia is a popular low maintenance flowering shrub that is known for long-blooming, bright, fragrant bloom clusters that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. These fast growing shrubs are deer resistant, drought tolerant, and adaptable to most soils.

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Black Knight Butterfly Bush
16 reviews
Pugster Blue Butterfly Bush
3 reviews
Miss Molly Butterfly Bush
10 reviews
Lo and Behold Blue Chip Jr Butterfly Bush
11 reviews
Pink Delight Butterfly Bush
6 reviews
Lilac Chip Butterfly Bush

When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom?

Butterfly Bushes have a long bloom period from summer through fall. In most areas these flowering bushes bloom from June or July to September. The blooms often persist later and arrive earlier in warmer climates.

How to Plant Butterfly Bushes

Start by watering your plant thoroughly in its pot. Next, dig a hole twice the width of the root ball and not quite as deep as the root ball is tall. Place your plant level in the hole. The top of the root ball should be slightly higher than the existing soil line. Backfill with the soil you dug out. Water deeply until the water begins to pool on the ground surface. Apply 1 to 2 inches of mulch to reduce watering needs. Water daily for the first week, 3 times per week the 2nd and 3rd week, and 1 to 2 times weekly thereafter for the first 2 to 3 months until your Butterfly Bush is established.

How to Care For Butterfly Bushes

These flowering plants tolerate full sun and part shade and are adaptable to a variety of soils as long as your soil is well drained. If your soil is nutrient rich your Butterfly bush will not require fertilizer. Fertilize in early spring and when planting if your soil is lacking. Choose a balanced, slow release fertilizer. Water well when your plant is newly planted and during establishment, After establishment these shrubs are drought tolerant and only require watering during dry, hot periods. Butterfly bushes don't require pruning, but these shrubs do tolerate heavy pruning if you choose to do so. Mulching is a good choice especially in colder regions to protect the roots from freezing temperatures and help the soil retain moisture.

When to Prune Butterfly Bushes

Pruning Butterfly Bushes should be done in winter. They bloom on new wood so there is no need to worry that you will remove flower buds at this time. Minor pruning (a snip here and there) or deadheading can be done at any time.

How to Prune Butterfly Bushes

Since these shrubs bloom on new wood and are fast growing most experts recommend pruning them back to the ground in winter. This is definitely a good option in cooler climates where your plant will die back to the ground anyway. Here in the south, Butterfly Bushes can actually become large woody shrubs. So it is up to you. If you want fresh lush, prolific growth on a woody base skip the heavy pruning. If you prefer your whole plant to be new herbaceous growth with flowers evenly dispersed over your entire plant, prune away! The harsh prune will encourage vigorous growth. With some older varieties deadheading can encourage reblooming, but it is unnecessary with newer varieties that rebloom well without pruning.

Featured Butterfly Bushes

Dwarf Butterfly Bushes

lo and behold blue chip jr butterfly bush

Lo and Behold Blue Chip Jr Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 2 to 3 feet tall
Mature Width: 2 to 3 feet spread

The Lo and Behold 'Blue Chip jr' is a tough, yet lovely miniature Butterfly Bush that looks great no matter how you choose to add in to your landscape. It is gorgeous in pots!

lo and behold ice chip butterfly bush

Lo and Behold Ice Chip Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 1 to 2 feet tall
Mature Width: 2 to 3 feet spread

‘Ice Chip’ is a dwarf variety of Buddleia that has delicate, white flowers that bloom all summer long. The white flower clusters really shine with the backdrop of the silvery green blue foliage. The perfect butterfly and hummingbird attractor for small spaces, the ‘Ice Chip’ will fit in any yard or garden.

lo an behold lilac chip butterfly bush

Lo and Behold Lilac Chip Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 2 to 3 feet tall
Mature Width: 2 to 3 feet spread

‘Lilac Chip’ is a great addition to any garden, patio, or yard. If you rent, try this variety in a container to add some living flair and color to your space. This variety blooms from summer up until the first frost so you will have a nice long season of butterfly and hummingbird watching.

lo and behold purple haze butterfly bush

Lo and Behold Purple Haze Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 2 to 3 feet tall
Mature Width: 2 to 3 feet spread

Another dwarf Butterfly Bush variety, the Lo & Behold® 'Purple Haze' is a low mounding shrub with pretty purple panicles that are produced in mid summer to mid fall. Plant in pots for a perfect look!

tutti fruitti butterfly bush

Tutti Fruitti Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 2 to 3 feet tall
Mature Width: 2 to 3 feet spread

The deep pink, almost magenta color of the Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti flowers is sure to turn heads. This flowering bush is a rebloomer all the way from spring to the first frost! The clean, mound shape and magenta-pink, weeping bloom clusters make this popular variety a huge hit in the gardening community and beyond! This dwarf variety is perfect for small spaces.

Standard Butterfly Bushes

black knight butterfly bush

Black Knight Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 6 to 8 feet tall
Mature Width: 5 to 6 feet spread

The deep purple, fragrant blooms of the Black Knight bloom from mid-July up until the first frost. This fast growing shrub is lovely as a single specimen or in a group planting.

honeycomb butterfly bush

Honeycomb Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 5 to 6 feet tall
Mature Width: 4 to 5 feet spread

This unique plant really stands out in the crowd. Beautiful, yellow blooms cover this bush each summer all the way to fall. The sweet nectar scent of these flower clusters is simply irresistible to butterflies and hummingbirds!

miss molly butterfly bush

Miss Molly Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 4 to 5 feet tall
Mature Width: 4 to 5 feet spread

This tidy, rounded shrub produces a bounty of deep pink elongated flower clusters for months. From July until frost this perennial shrub adds exciting color to your landscape. Miss Molly is fast growing, but compact.

pink delight butterfly bush

Pink Delight Butterfly Bush

Growing Zones 5-9
Mature Height: 3 to 4 feet tall
Mature Width: 4 to 5 feet spread

This Butterfly Bush produces an abundance of pink elongated flowers that are ideal for fresh cut flowers and floral arrangements. The light fragrance attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Shop Flowering Shrubs, Deer Resistant Plants, and Lilacs for more options.