Black Diamond Crape Myrtle Brand_Black Diamond, Category_Disease Resistant - PlantingTree

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Black Diamond Crape Myrtle

Black Diamond is a new series of dwarf Crape Myrtle with deep purple to black foliage and a variety of vibrant flower colors. These compact trees or bushes only reach 10 to 12 feet tall and 6 to 8 feet wide at maturity. They are disease resistant and bloom prolifically up until frost.

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how fast do black diamond crape myrtles grow?

How Fast do Black Diamond Crape Myrtles Grow?

A Black Diamond Crape Myrtle tree can grow 2 to 4 feet in a single year. Once they get to mature height the trunks and branches grow thicker, but the trees stay around 12 feet tall. Even the smallest crape myrtles can grow very fast which is why some northerners grow them as perennials that dieback to the ground yearly.

How to Grow Black Diamond Crape Myrtles

Black Diamond Crape Myrtle care is surprisingly simple! Plant these crape myrtles in full sun in US growing zones 7 to 10. Water them deeply about twice weekly for the first 2 to 3 months. Once established Black Diamond Crape Myrtles are drought tolerant, but watering them once weekly when conditions are extremely dry will improve flowering. We recommend mulching at the time of planting and a slow release fertilizer in spring.

when do black diamond crape myrtles bloom?

When do Black Diamond Crape Myrtles Bloom?

Black Diamond Crape Myrtle trees have a very long bloom period. They flower from summer to fall, generally from July through October. Enjoy four months of colorful blooms with the Black Diamond Crape Myrtle series! Learn more on improving Crape Myrtle blooms!

How to Prune a Black Diamond Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtles do not require pruning, but if desired prune for shape and size control when your tree is dormant. Remove dead, diseased, or broken branches when you notice them. Read more on Pruning Crape Myrtles..


All About Black Diamond Crapemyrtles

Black Diamond Crape Myrtles are gardeners' favorites around the word for their persistent deep black foliage, long bloom times, and exceptional growth habits. Learn all about these wonderful Crape Myrtles and decide which ones you need for your garden! Learn more about the Crape Myrtle trees for sale in our online plant nursery!