Spring flowering trees are pretty easy to find, but if you want trees that flower in summer you will have to look a little harder. While they are harder to find, summer flowering trees are worth the extra effort. Besides, I am here to make it easy on you with my summer flowering trees list!
Trees That Flower In Summer
Crape Myrtle Trees
Every time I put these trees on a list, I feel the sighs from the half of the country that can’t grow them. But they are amazing trees and can be considered for cooler zones, such as 5 and 6. I am not saying that it isn’t with some challenges, since these trees are mainly grown in zones 7 and up. If you want to try out a crape myrtle in a cooler zone, be prepared for it to die back to the ground, for at least the first few years, and potentially every year. But these trees can grow fast, easily up to 5 feet in a single growing season. So, it can definitely be worth it, but they will likely be more shrubby in cooler regions. Choose one of the more cold hardy varieties like the Magic series or the Red Rocket. Crape myrtles come in purple, white, pink, and red.
My favorite crape myrtle varieties are Red Rocket, Dynamite, Muskogee, Natchez, Purple Magic, Pink Velour, Twilight, Tonto, and Tuscarora. The Black Diamond series is a group of dwarf crape myrtles that only grow to about 10 to 12 feet tall. They have unique deep purple to black foliage.
Wisteria Trees
Our Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree is a huge hit with our customers. This tree is easy to grow and absolutely gorgeous. It blooms heavily from spring to summer. Butterflies love this wisteria tree as much as we do. The blue-violet bloom clusters are sweetly fragrant and abundant.
Hydrangea Trees
These ornamental flowering trees are gorgeous and low maintenance. The same hydrangeas we love, but in a tree form. Tree hydrangeas add a sophisticated and stunning look to any landscape. They are cold hardy and heat tolerant and can grow in just about any climate.
Check out our most popular varieties of hydrangea trees for sale online. We carry the Quick Fire Hydrangea Tree, Limelight Hardy Hydrangea Tree, and Pinky Winky Hydrangea Tree. We have these trees in our nursery each spring, but they sell out fast.
Magnolia Trees
Magnolia trees are magnificent! They bloom large, white, fragrant blooms from spring through summer. These flowering evergreen trees add an exciting and beautiful look to your landscape.
Consider the Little Gem Magnolia if you are looking for a smaller form of the Southern Magnolia. It is also more cold hardy than the Southern. It is recommended for growing zones 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Smoke Trees (Smoke Bush)
Smoke Trees add amazing and unique color to your landscape. The leaves and the billowy plumes are purple. The purple plumes show off all summer long. These small ornamental trees are excellent for xeriscaping as they are drought resistant plants. Smoke Trees only grow 10 to 15 feet tall.
We carry the Royal Purple Smoke Tree and the Royal Purple Smoke Tree Standard at our online plant nursery.
Rose of Sharon Trees
Althea trees are another excellent choice for trees that flower in summer. Treeform Rose of Sharon plants are profuse bloomers that are easy to grow. They have a long bloom period that lasts from summer through fall. Like the hydrangea trees, we get these trees in in spring and they move quickly.
Choose any of our double bloom Rose of Sharon trees. They come in purple, red, and pink.
Rose Trees
Rose trees aren’t for everyone, but they should be! These awesome tree roses are disease resistant, easy to grow, and prolific bloomers. Most of our tree roses bloom in spring, summer, and fall! They add a sophisticated look to your landscape, garden, porch, or patio. These dwarf trees stay under 5 feet and look fabulous in containers. Choose from a huge selection of colors!
Orange Rose Trees
South African Sunbelt Rose Tree
Pink Rose Trees
Pink Double Knock Out Rose Tree
Sweet Sunblaze Miniature Rose Tree
Purple Rose Trees
Red Rose Trees
Red Sunblaze Miniature Tree Rose
White Rose Trees
Yellow Rose Trees
Yellow Sunblaze Miniature Tree Rose
I hope you found the perfect summer flowering tree for your landscape! There are many options in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors! Browse all of our trees for sale. Happy planting!