From lavender purple blooms to plum purple leaves the Forest Pansy Redbud has tons of purple power. If you love purple this is the tree for you! The petite purple blooms are plentiful and quite literally coat the tree in early spring even before the leaves have emerged. As the blooms start to fade shiny reddish-purple foliage emerges. The heart-shaped leaves mature to a matte burgundy purple. The fall color varies from yellow to orange to reddish-purple. The Forest Pansy offers so much color in one tree it is truly unbelievable! If you don’t have a lot of space this is the perfect tree for lots of drama, color, and landscape impact. Find the Forest Pansy Redbud and other trees and plants perfect for your landscape online from our North Carolina nursery.
Forest Pansy Redbud Growth Rate
The Forest Pansy Redbud grows from 20 to 30 feet tall and wide at maturity. This tree grows at a fast rate of about 2 feet per year under good conditions.
Forest Pansy Tree Care
With redbuds it is pretty easy to pick a spot since they are so versatile and adaptable. They like full sun to part shade and are adaptable to any soil as long as there isn’t standing water. Plant in growing zones 5 to 9 for best results.
Once established, redbud trees are very drought tolerant. In extended dry and hot periods this tree will benefit from a weekly deep watering.
Fertilize your Redbud tree in early spring for best performance. Choose a balanced slow release fertilizer.
Apply about 2 inches of mulch extending out a few inches farther than the root zone.
Redbuds don't generally require pruning, but if needed, prune immediately after blooming has ended to remove any dead, dying, crowded or crossed branches. Pruning in winter can cause bloom loss.
Pests and Disease
Forest Pansy Redbuds are pretty tough and don’t encounter many problems. However weakened trees can be susceptible to pests and diseases. Proper planting and care will keep your tree at its healthiest. Wet and humid summers can bring about fungal issues. However most fungal issues only affect the leaves and will not kill your tree.
Forest Pansy Redbud in the Landscape
Forest Pansy Redbud in the landscape can be planted anywhere since they can tolerate conditions from sun to shade and are adaptable to just about any soil. Use this tree as an ornamental flowering tree and a shade tree all in one.
The Forest Pansy Redbud is a showpiece tree for sure! It makes a lovely focal point in your landscape and is even small enough for a mixed bed.
The Forest Pansy Redbud looks great planted in a group of three in the corner of your yard. Plant a row of Forest Pansy Redbuds for huge color and impact that your neighbors will admire! Add some uplights and they will even look beautiful at night!
Consider planting your Forest Pansy Redbud somewhere you can admire it and the surrounding nature like near a garden with a bench or a porch, patio, or deck. The Forest Pansy Redbud is more than just a stunning and showy tree. It also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Buy trees online and have them conveniently delivered to your home. Shipping is free on most trees!
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