Planting a tree in your yard can offer many positive benefits for you and those around you. Trees can add to the environment, save you money, and even boost your health! In this article, we will discuss benefits of planting trees in your yard, and will hopefully convince you to plant one or two in your own yard.
Benefits of Planting Trees

The positive environmental impacts of planting trees are endless.
● Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The more trees, the more oxygen. This leads to a reduction in greenhouse gases. Planting trees is a great way to combat climate change.
● The leaves of trees can filter out toxins and pollutants from the air. They quite literally clean the air that we breathe.
● As the roots of a tree grow, they cling to the soil and hold it in place. This reduces soil erosion.
● Planting trees also slows water runoff and reduces flooding.
● Trees provide a home and food to wildlife and birds.
Trees make the world a healthier place.
● Trees are beautiful and alive. We like looking at them. They bring us a sense of peace and calm in this hectic world. Like pets, trees can help us lower our blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mood.
● By removing toxins and pollutants like ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide, trees make the air cleaner and our world healthier. This is especially beneficial for people with asthma and other breathing problems.
● Trees boost our immune systems. Plants produce phytoncides which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. When we breath phytoncides, our body is stimulated to increase production of NK (natural killer) cells. These cells actually attack and kill tumor and virus infected cells in our bodies. How cool is that?

● Trees make life better. When you have trees outside, you spend more time outside with friends and family. Being outside is good for our mental, physical, and even social health. Studies show that children who play outside are healthier and even learn better.
● When you take care of your property, you not only add to your home, you improve the entire neighborhood. This is such an easy way to give back to your community.
● Trees planted in memoriam are a great way to honor a loved one. They give you a place to remember that special person and, in a way, spend time with them. In addition to memory trees, you can plant a tree for a new baby to celebrate new life.
● Planting trees makes your landscape look better. They add curb appeal and increase your property value.
● Shade trees cool your home in summer and lower your utility bills. They shed their leaves in fall so that your home stays warmer in winter.

How to Plant a Tree
In order to achieve all the wonderful benefits of planting a tree, be sure to do it correctly. Your tree will thank you by growing well and living a long and healthy life.
1. Dig a hole about twice the width of the root ball of your tree.
2. Place your tree level in the hole. (Check multiple sides.) Be sure that the top of the root ball is at or slightly above the existing soil line in order to avoid planting too deep.
3. Backfill the soil around the roots and tap it down gently.
4. Water deeply until the ground is thoroughly saturated.
5. New trees benefit from a 1 to 2 inch layer of mulch. It helps the soil hold moisture longer, reduces watering needs, and eliminates weeds.
6. Water deeply every day for the first week. Then water deeply 1 to 2 times per week for the next two to three months while your tree is establishing. This helps the roots grow properly and creates a healthier, sturdier tree. Water with the hose at the base of your plant.
Planting a tree can help reduce your carbon footprint and beautify your yard. There are a plethora of amazing benefits of planting trees, but you really only need one. Plant a tree and do your part to reduce global warming and help this earth stay healthy. Plant a tree to add beauty. Do it to help clean the air or reduce your energy bills. Plant a tree to make your neighborhood a better place to live. Plant a tree to up your curb appeal. Add shade to keep you and your neighborhood more comfortable. Plant a tree to add color. Just plant a tree! Happy planting!
Find the right tree at Planting Tree online nursery. We are a family owned and operated online garden center. We take pride in every plant and tree we ship from our facility to your home. We have a huge selection of trees, large and small, deciduous and evergreen, flowering and shade. You are sure to find just the tree you are looking for on our user friendly website.
Click to learn more about front yard trees, the best backyard trees, trees to plant in the winter, gifting trees, or privacy trees.